Sunday 29 January 2012

Responses of a computer addict ?

A computer addict responses in the following way -

1. When asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.

2. When you are counting objects, you go

3. When you dream, you are going to dream in 256 pallettes of 256

4. When your wife says “If you don’t turn off that damn machine and
 come to sleep, then I am going to divorce you!”,
 you are going to scream at her for omitting the “else” clause.

5.You try to sleep, and think sleep(8 * 3600); /* sleep for 8 hours */

6. When you are reading a book, you would look for the scroll bar to
 get to
 the next page.

7. If you want to call somebody you pick up the phone and start
 an IP number…

8. You are going to look for an icon to double-click, to open your

9. When you go to balance your check book, you would discover that
 you’ll be doing the math in octal.

10.You would look for a trash can icon to throw garbage.

11.When you get in the elevator you would double-click the button for
 the floor you want to go.

12. C gives you enough rope to hang yourself.
 C++ also gives you the tree object to tie it to.

13.How many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
 1. None – Microsoft just changes the standard to darkness.
 2. It takes 100. One is changing the bulb while 99 do click
 away the error messages

14.Two programmers stay in a bar and drink and talk.
 “Can I borrow 1000 bucks?”
 “Sure, no problem, but lets round it to
 1024 for easier calculations”

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