Thursday 26 January 2012

Facts About Resumes

The recruiting companies take a look at the resumes before anything else. Resumes are the ones which will decide if the person will get the job or not. Many people will be surprised to know that according to the survey only one in 15 resumes ever get noticed by the recruiting companies. The rest of the resumes just reach the dust bins. Resumes are the ones which create that first impression. Writing a resume is not an easy task and you many need to take help of professionals. Here are some important facts that you must know while writing resume:
Recruiters view the resume only for10 to 30 seconds. They expect you to keep your resume limited to 1 or 2 pages at the most. According to 84% recruiters, your resume must not be longer than 1 page if you have less than 5 years experience. Your resume must be in sequential order and you should highlight your key skills.
Best font styles that you can use in resume is Times New Roman, Verdana and Arial. These fonts are easy to read and are popular in magazines and newspapers. Always keep font type consistent. You must use font size between 10-12 for body and 11-14 for headers.
Add the additional information if you are an IT specialist or an engineering graduate. You can write about the IT platforms used by you or the technologies you have studied in engineering.
You should include the objective in the resume. It should be simple and state that why you are wishing to join the position.
Keep your resume simple with minimum colors. Avoid using italics and underlines as both will not work properly if recruiter wants to scan it to keep it in their database.
According to 80% of the employers, cover letter is important with the resume and they also expect a thank you note.
So, the above are some facts that can help person in getting job.

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